From Italy to Cornwall with Love

The number of displaced and feral dogs in the South of Italy is high! For a year and a half Cara was living on the streets, became pregnant and and then gave birth. It is unknown what happened to her pups. She became pregnant again but thanks to English teacher DIANE SELVANAYAGAM (left) she was rescued, spayed, vaccinated and placed into a kennel compound where she remained for the next 9 months. After many failed attempts of finding her a secure and safe home in Italy it was decided that she would come here to be with us in Cornwall UK - it took from Feb 15th., to November 2008 to arrange her passport and raise funds for her travel. After two days of travel by car, train, bus and plane she arrived and immediately made herself right at home, it was as if she had been here all her life. Definitely meant to be and we are so proud to have been able to give her the home that she so deserves!
This is her story:

Mary Alice Pollard, Cornwalls Voice for Animals
Gerrans, United Kingdom