Dos was"catnapped"- he was so neglected and no one in the street acknowledged him belonging to them, but I knew. Needless to say, the visit to the Vet revealed that he was not in good health and there were doubts he would live another year but he spent 8 years with us being the joy of my life.A year before Dos died this weird looking specimen would dash around our garden giving us fleeting glimpses that he was indeed a cat.I started feeding him & to cut a long story short, encouraged him to come closer.He was painfully thin you could count his ribs individually. His hip bones stood up like you see on emaciated horses. I named him RIBS! Dos tolerated RIBS but there was no doubt as to who was BOSS CAT. It was after Dos had gone to Kitty Heaven I realised that you dont pick cats, they pick YOU! RIBS had come to replace my beloved Dos as if he knew it was time. The name RIBS stuck but looking at him now maybe you would think Porkchop would be more appropriate! He eats anything and everything and beware if you leave as much as a salad uncovered-he doesn't know he's not a rabbit! Still has a bit of mistrust in him and when visitors come he does not come to the fore. A most remarkable thing about him is that I have yet to find one flea on him since the day he arrived.... its almost like he is immune to them. What I save in getting rid of fleas he certainly makes up for in eating!! Im sure when his time comes to go to "that place" some other fur baby will find me to soften the blow, just as RIBS has done.
