Genesis Ming Mai...The Beginning of Something Beautiful

Jenny and I found each other August 8, 2002.

That very afternoon, I'd had to have my little Schnauzer, Violet, put to sleep due to liver cancer. I was beyond heartbroken, since I'd lost my husband not long before and Violet had been my constant companion and had gotten me through many long, lonely days and nights; she was always by my side and knew me inside out.

Jenny was wandering around outside my brother-in-laws office building that night. She was very fearful and would run away if I made even the slightest movement. There was some catfood, so I placed it on the sidewalk several yards away. She would cautiously come toward it, then run away. It took a couple of hours, but eventually, I was able to scoop her up and we came home together that night and have been almost inseparable ever since.

She is the angel that Violet sent to watch over me. I have no doubt about it. I named her Genesis Ming Mai because Genesis is the beginning, and Ming Mai means "something beautiful" in Chinese, fitting since her ancestry is Chinese/Tibetan.

Jenny was a starving, matted, sick little girl when we found each other, but she's now healthy, happy, and very spoiled...and a little bit chubby. She's so funny and sweet. Without Violet, we'd have never met, so Violet is also my angel as she had to leave, but she didn't leave me alone.

Two broken hearts began to mend that night...and that is our love story.

Parsons, KS