Gunners Journey

He was at a local shelter, and we were looking for a replacement for our beloved Sadie. Gunner was 63# and we took him not knowing one thing about his breed.

After some time, we realized he had issues with other dogs. He got loose a couple times. Vet bills and all that went with his bizarre behavior. Walking became out of the question. He dragged my husband. His focus if any other animals came by the house. We had one other small dog and a cat. He didn’t bother them.

Fast forward, from Cali Desert Rescue to now Kentucky. Has a yard and has fun trying to catch squirrels. Still hates little dogs... got our neighbors cops dog… no harm. Still has a fit over UPS, FEDEX, trash trucks….mailman. He is 128# and getting grumpy like his dad. They are two as one. Love him til death do us part.
