Heart and Soul

This little angel, along with his camera shy sister, has brought us so much joy! He and his three feral siblings were born under our deck almost three years ago. With the help of a local animal rescue organization, we were able to humanely trap him, his mother and the rest of the litter, and got them spayed/neutered. After we released them, (and they ran for the hills!), he and his sister returned and have remained with us ever since. Although the two are still somewhat feral-they will come inside, but not stay there, and run from everyone who approaches our deck, we have gained enough trust to be greeted every morning with leg rubs and lots of love and affection. This kitty we named Soul Patch, because he has a little soul patch under his chin. We named his sister Smokey Joe, not realizing she was a girl until the vet informed us-at that point we were unable to get close enough to tell. Her name was changed to Smokey Jolene-a fitting southern name! They are know affectionately at our home as Patches and Jolene and we love them dearly. They have brought so much love and joy to us, and we are so grateful they chose our deck as their home.

N. Forshaw
Birmingham, AL