Hera, the Wonder Mama

Hera showed up in our apartment complex courtyard one day and looked so young, scrawny and scraggly that we had to feed her. We put out food every day and did our best to ensure that the squirrels, possums, raccoons and neighbor cats didn't eat it all before she could. After a few weeks, she learned our feeding schedule and would wait beneath our kitchen window. She was far too shy to touch, but as time passed she learned to trust us and even started to meow at us if her bowl was empty. We were so happy when she started to fill out. And fill out. And fill out. Before long, we realized she was pregnant, but still she wouldn't let us touch her, let alone catch her. One morning, when she looked about to burst, she seemed to decide we were the people for her, because she came right up to my husband and let him scoop her up and bring her inside. We set up a box, blankets, food and water, and within twenty minutes she had made herself at home. Ten days later I helped her bring five beautiful kittens into the world, all healthy and perfect. She weighed only 7 lbs fully pregnant, and only 3.5 lbs while nursing and raising her kittens. With excellent vet care and lots of love, we got her through malnutrition and infection. Over a year later she and one of her kittens are lifetime members of our family, and she weighs a full 10.5 lbs. She is a big, beautiful Maine Coon, my little girl, and still a wonderful mama cat.

Marina del Rey, CA