He's Not Adoptable

While volunteering at the local kill shelter I saw a starved doberman wild-eyed and quivering in his cage. The shelter manager told me "don't go in - he's dangerous. He will be destroyed tomorrow". I went in the cage, sat down, not looking at him and talked softly with my hand out. 20 minutes later, he was in my lap with his paws around my neck. I got him out of the shelter and to the vet. He weighed 32 lbs, full grown. I carried him around for 2 weeks as he was too weak to walk. He growled at everyone because he was so frightened. It took 2 years of patient love to give him confidence. Now... 8 years later, he weighs 72 lbs. He loves everyone and plays with children! He never stops smiling. He sits in my lap and just gazes at me for hours; every now and then he gives me a gentle lick. We have a deep and profound love. My Dobi.

Mary Kaschak
Las Cruces, NM