Home to WV Lost in Tennessee!

My name is Robin Edmunds from Ona, WV. Our 4 year oldLab/Chow mix Dog Jeager was lost last year while visiting relatives in Nashville, Tennessee. We are from a little town 400 plus miles away. After searching for an extended three days, we were forced to leave him there, lost and alone. After returning home, I utelized the Internet to contact all the Nashville area vets, animal hospitals, rescue sites, animal shelters and anyone I could find through google I thought could help.
Well let me tell you, the outpouring of long distance support was amazing! I started receiving calls, emails, and inquiries from folks I'd never met before. Through the wonderful world of fiber optics, Hundreds and I mean hundreds of folks started searching for our pooch. The calls and emails I received were those of encouragment, prayer, and hope. We had several Rescue Volunteers go out looking for this dog whom they didn't even know. In our eyes, he was our family and we were helpless a long way away in another state. In their eyes, he became their family too. After a week lost in an unknown world, Our prayers were answered. He was found, alive and fighting to find us. We made the 6 hour journey back to Nashville to pick him up. He was literally on deaths door, sick and tick infested.
Today, almost a year later, he is happy and healthy. We must thank all of those strangers, who in an instant came together to help this lost soul, and became our family and friends for life. Don't ever give up hope finding your lost pet.
You can go to:
http://www.herald-dispatch.com/news/x988040038/Tenn-community-rallies-to-find-lost-dog-from-Ona to read the story I wrote in full, tributing all those new found friends who brought our Big Brown boy home to us.

Robin Edmunds
Ona, WV