How do you know she's the one?

When we went to the shelter to find a dog to adopt, it didn't take me long to find her. Chibi was the 9th dog I saw and as I looked into her cage, she walked up and put her paw out to touch me. I told my husband that she was the one I wanted. As we went to the viewing room to play with her, she was timid and scared. My husband asked me, "How do you know she will be the one?". Right then, she climbed up on his leg and gave him a little kiss on his cheek. We knew right then she was the one. We don't know her story during her first year, but every day she reminds us why we adopted her. Not a day goes by that we don't say how greatful we are to have her with us. She has been a wonderful addition to our family. She gets along with every animal she meets and loves playing with her big sister, Tinkerbell (a rabbit).
North Las Vegas, NV