How my Charlotte Rescued Me!

I had just gotten divorced and moved from New Jersey to Florida. I bought a house and even though I had four rescued cats at the time, I knew something was missing. A few months later I took a drive to a city two hours away and adopted Charlotte, a one year old beagle who had been rescued while running the streeets of Orlando. When I got to the lady's front door who had been fostering at that time "Cricket", I was met by 8 beagles!!! I went inside and one little girl beagle came running up to me and practically jumped into my arms, giving me kisses and giving me "the eyes." If you own a beagle you know what I mean by "the eyes."
Anyway, it was love at first sight. Oh did I forget to mention that I was so excited about adopting my beagle that I was caught speeding on I-95 and given quite the ticket by a state trooper? Anyway, Charlotte and I have been best buddies ever since that day. She is quite the co-pilot when we travel to Virginia, New Jersey and Texas to see friends and relatives. As you probably know, a beagle is a nose with four legs attached and motivated by food. She is so friendly with all of the other dogs in our neighborhood.

When I moved to Florida I was very depressed from just getting divorced but since I adopted Charlotte, she has "rescued me" from that depression.
I don't think I could love a dog more than I love her.

Palm Coast, FL