How to Heal a Broken Heart

I'd just lost my 18-year-old rescue cat, Precious, and was sad beyond belief. Then one day, I came home and a little gray kitten walked out from behind the corner of the garage. Maybe 4-months-old, I petted her, played with her a bit, and realized she was a female...which meant more stray kittens if she wasn't spayed soon. So I brought her inside, called the veterinarian, and got that done. Of course, I had to keep her for at least 10 days after the surgery, thinking the entire time I'd either release her or find her another home. But long before those 10 days were up, I'd fallen in love. She was a sweet little ball of silver-gray fur, barely purred, and only made the softest squeak of sound when she meowed. I started calling her Pip-squeak and today she's simply Pippa...the girl who healed my broken heart.
