My family and I went to the North Shore Animal League in NY searching for a puppy to adopt. When we got there everyone was rushing to the tiny puppies, but I wanted to see all the other dogs first, so I passed by the adults and then the sick ward. As I was passing by, my eyes came upon the most adorable 3 1/2 month old black & white with red brindle heeler mix puppy. He was named Scottie by his previous family who returned him at such a tender age. As I looked at him, he put his paw on my shoulder and gazed at me with the most loving and soulful look. From that moment on, I knew he was meant to be my pup. So I went to find my family, who had all been looking at the tiny puppies, and an adoption counselor to put a hold on my Sweetheart. When I got back, someone else had already put a hold on him, but I didn't lose hope even though my family wanted me to look at other pups. I just knew this little guy was meant to be with me; so I waited around and in about 30 minutes I went back and as I knew would happen, he was now available again! The other family probably decided not to take him because he was being treated for a parasite called giardia (which dogs get when they drink stagnant water). He also had a heart murmur which I didn't find out about until I was at the adoption window. When I was told he had a heart murmur, they asked if I still wanted him, and of course I said YES! So he was finally going to be my pup. We finished with the adoption interview and as we were leaving the building, Lucky as I renamed him, was so traumatized that he would not walk out the door, so I carried him and held him close to reassure him that I was here and would never let him go. Lucky was hyperventilating and drooling on me as he lay in my arms in the back seat as we drove home. Then as soon as we got in the front door, he became the happiest, most loving, sweet, caring and funniest dog I've ever known. He is the Love of my life! My Valentine! My Sweetheart Lucky!

Gussie Moore