I wasn't going to get another dog

My baby Dolly was fifteen years and eight months old the night she died. She was fine, blind and going deaf, but otherwise fine. Then one afternoon she had what turned out to be diagnosed as hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and died at the emergency animal hospital. I was so devastated I could not imagine getting another dog, ever.

After awhile I agreed to foster for the shelter where I volunteered and first one, then another dog came and then was adopted and left. But the pandemic hit and the shelter had no more dogs to foster.

Fast forward seven months and I was starved for canine companionship. I learned of a family that needed to rehome a dog they'd had for six years. Cocoa came into my life. I think the people did love her but just did not know that dogs need certain care.

Cocoa had not had any of her vaccines except one rabies shot as a puppy. They told me she didn't really eat and I found she had rotten teeth that needed to be extracted. She'd never had heart worm medicine, needed to be groomed, needed her nails cut. She came to me as a ten pound little fluff.

She has gained weight, been brought up to date on vet care, has learned to interact with other dogs, goes for regular walks. I had her DNA tested with Embark and she is 100% poodle.
