
When jazz first came to me she was soaking wet and very scared. Apparently my boyfriend's mom and his brother, had passed a meowing cat on the median in the middle of a four lane highway with traffic going both ways. Returning back home, almost an hour later, she saw that this kitten was still there and it had starting pouring rain. Apparently Jazz had jumped off of the median and was getting caught up in the current of the water that was flooding down the street. Trying to jump back on it, she had a little cut next to her eye, and to this day you can see a very small gap between her lips from the damage. I believe that someone had thrown this poor baby out the window of a car because her back leg had no skin over her ankle. Almost two years later she still hasn't grown any fur there either! Obviously she brought her to me, not knowing what to do next, and with loving care and vet visits, she is the sweetest little thing ever! I believe she was meant to come to because she is now my daughter's little protector! Laila, my daughter, is 7 months old now, and since day one Jazz is always by her side at home! She even sleeps at the foot of the bed of her crib! I can't wait to see my daughter grow up with such a great and loving companion!

kansas city, MO