Jumbo - the biggest softie and the loudest cat ever

I found Jumbo in August 2003 because he was making such a noise in the complex where I live. I called him Jumbo because his head looked so big in proportion to his body (which was getting no food). I eventually managed to catch him. At first it was not easy as he fought with my other cats and would not stop following me around. I couldn't sleep with him in my room as he drooled and wanted to sit by my head. If I shut him out of the room he would meow throughout the entire evening -he was relentless! I eventually couldn't take it any longer and gave him to an organisation. But that night after giving him away I cried and cried because I missed him so much and so I brought him back home again. I'm so glad I didn't give up on him as he's the most loving cat I've ever known. He sits at my command and he enjoys trying to catch my foot when I change in the mornings - it's a game we play. He is also the loudest cat I've ever met, he especially likes to make a huge fuss i.e. noise if I kick him out of the bathroom! I love him and I'm so glad God brought him into my life.

Heather Cowan
Cape Town, South Africa