June Bug Many Toes

We first noticed June Bug in the spring of 2004. We were getting ready to build our home on some acreage we had owned for 8 years and we would see her sitting on a rock watching us every day. One day I decided to "talk" to her. Once the "here kitty" was said, June Bug came running down the hill meowing with every step (photo above). Someone had dumped her and she had been surviving on the land by eating bugs and mice. We named her "June Bug Many Toes". Who could not love a personality like that? She found her forever home and we promised her she would never be hungry or lonely again. She is still a talker and slaps us on the back of the legs with her six-toed big paws if her bowl gets down below the rim.

DiAnne Wasson

DiAnne Wasson
The Dalles, OR