Kitten found in a drain pipe

While walking around my building at work, I noticed a feral cat and her kitten living in a drain pipe. Every day for a week I walked by and I saw them. One day, I noticed that the mother was gone. This tiny little kitten was by all by himself in the drain pipe. I was quite worried after two days because the mother never came back. I tried to approach the kitten several times, but he kept running back into the drain pipe. I told my twin sister about the kitten and she tried to approach him without success. As my sister left for the day, she noticed the kitten climbing slowly up the hill towards some bushes. The next morning, I looked every where for the little guy to no avail. When my sister arrived, she had an idea where he was and found him! He was 2-3 weeks old, emaciated with his eyes glued shut from an eye infection. It appeared the mother didn't have enough milk and abandoned him. My sister quickly handed him off to me in a borrowed lunch pail and I took him to the vet just in time. Mind you, I have three cats already (all rescues) and I was very reluctant to adopt another one...but it was meant to be. With plenty of bottle feedings, eye irrigations, antibiotics and love, the little guy bounced back.
Now, Mr Peepers is a beautiful part Maine Coon 2 year old boy weighing in at 20 lbs. He is a wonderful addition to my furry family!

Dawn H
Scottsdale, AZ