Kovu - the happy SMILING gentle giant

Kovu only joined the family later in his life. Up until that point he was part of a family who did not care for him properly. He arrived looking very thin, and his coat was not in good condition. He was very scared of us, and spent the majority of his time with his tail between his legs...He was also abused as he hates water! This is very unusual for Alaskan Malumutes!! The 2 other Alaskan Malumutes that we do have [Shanzi & Rushka can never get to the pool FAST enough!] ;-)
Kovu is now comfortable and as you can see by the photo... he is absolutely gorgeous, healthy and HAPPY! I took this photo just after giving him a kiss on his snout and wrapping my arms around his neck for a gentle but loving hug. He is my absolute pleasure! I recall the day that Kovu decided to make friends... I was seated on the couch and he was looking at me... came closer, and then paw by paw he eventually landed on top of my lap - it was and has been love since then!

East London, South Africa