Lady Bug's choice

A few years ago,our little TN was planning on a fair to raise funds for a park. My husband plays the bagpipes and was asked to come and play from time to time. He was playing "Scotland the Brave" at one point and felt this little furry body against his leg. He looked down, and here was a little three-legged dog snuggled up! He reached down and patted her and the shelter volunteer who had brought some dogs over to possibly find a home led her away. He played again later and the same little dog appeared, as if mesmerized by the bagpipe music!

My husband told me the story and later that month as the weather got colder, we went over to see how the little dog was faring! The wonderful lady who runs Noah's Ark brought Lady (the dog's name) out to see us, and she jumped right into my lap in the car and into the back seat, as if she knew she'd found us! Our Lady Bug was a delight with a mind of her own, and gave us her trust and love at no charge! She crossed the Rainbow Bridge last year and we still miss her! My heart goes out to all those dear little animals who need to find homes!

Kate Cahoon
Dandridge, TN