Legacy of Dixie

It began with a phone call from my mom asking me if I wanted little dog. The family that lived in the trailer that she rents out was moving and could not take her with them. She had papers, which my mom couldn't get as the lady misplaced them.

My husband and I went to look at this furry little thing that following weekend, and once I saw her, I fell in love with her. I knew what her breed was right away. A Pekingese! I always wanted one. She was 6-months-old, scared, and didn't like men. At first my husband didn't want her, but his feeling for her changed.

Well, we got her home and were deciding on what to name her. We like to pick names out for any animal by calling out names to them and seeing which name they like and answer to. I had a Dixie Chicks shirt on, and my husband started calling her Dixie. She must've liked the sound of it because she started wagging her tail and answering to it.

Originally the former family named her Mia, which I didn't love, and Dixie didn't, either, because when I would call her by Mia she would never react to the name.

Well, years go by, and one day, my husband and I were away running some errands. We came home to see Dixie laying on the kitchen floor, not able to move, and it looked liked her back legs were paralyzed. We lived in an apartment at the time, and I thought that she may have licked the base boards of the floor and was poisoned by the bug spray that the apartment would come around and spray. I had to work, so my husband took her to a vet, who told him to put her down. My husband got mad at the vet, asking that if she was your child would you put your child down? So my husband brought her home.

Together we worked with Dixie, by massaging her legs and helping her walk. Eventually, she started to pull herself by crawling through out the apartment. I videoed her one time, and my brother was about to make a small device to help her walk.

Well, he didn't need to do that because with much many prayers, she began to walk, then run! It was a miracle! I was so happy I cried. Dixie went every where with us, when we took vacations or moved. She was a trooper and was happy to be anywhere as long as she was there with us. Years later, she started loosing her balance and would be lethargic and tired, but she tried to come to us when we called her if she could. Eventually, we would make her comfortable by getting a special dog bed for her.

When she started having blood in her urine and stool, we took her to a vet and were told that Dixie had toxins in her blood that were poisoning her in her uterus, as she wasn't spayed. We didn't think she needed to be spayed because she was the only dog in the house, and she never really was around any other dogs. The vet recommended her to be put the sleep, and I had to make the hardest decision in my life, while my husband had to make the hardest decision of his life to sign the paper to do the procedure.

I stood there and said my goodbyes and apologized to her. I told her I loved her. I watched her go to sleep and was told that she had passed way. March 28th, 2020 was her last day on earth. We had her for 13 wonderful, beautiful years. I may have rescued her, but she rescued me and my husband.

Christina Fritts