Lexi thanks Petfinder.com

I (Lexi) (aka Blondie) want to thank the kind people at Sanilac County Humane Society and the great website, Petfinder.com. You see, my mom had been searching for a long time for the perfect companion. Then, on New Year's Eve, 2008, she was browsing through the hundreds and hundreds of abondoned puppies and dogs when she laid her eyes on me!! She called the Sanilac County Humane Society to ask about me. I knew I had to be on my best behaviour. It had been a rough couple of months for me. Somehow, I got separated from my owners. Some really nice people found me in a cemetary covered in ice and I had lost about 10 lbs. You could see my ribs!! They took me to the Humane Society where they took care of me and were so nice to me. Anyway, the very next weekend (January 5), my new owner came to visit me to see if we would get along. In an instant we both knew it was a match made in heaven! My mom signed some papers, made the payment and even gave extra for a donation. I jumped in the car, laid down in the back seat and waved goodbye to my friends at the Humane Society. Oh, and I forgot to tell you! My mom is from Canada so now I have dual citizenship!! The nice people at the border congratulated my mom on rescueing a beautiful Golden Retriever cross. They just wanted to see my vaccination papers!
It has been one year now and we are so happy together. Mom takes me for walks, we go for lots of car rides and I keep her company. Thank you Sanilac County Humane Society and Petfinder.com for finding me the perfect home!

Lexi xo

Mary Parker
Ridgetown, Canada