"Libby--from homeless in Mexico to livin' life in luxury"

Libby was found roaming the streets in Rosarito, Mexico barely hanging on to life. She had a severe case of Mange, which left most of her fur gone and she was extremely underweight. She was a living a life no dog should have to live. Then, one day, she was rescued by two compassionate women who operated a sanctuary for dogs near the US border in Mexico. It was there she was treated for her Mange and began to get the nutrition she desperately needed. Within a couple months, she was ready for adoption.

I just so happened to be looking for a dog at the time and stumbled upon Libby. I went to "meet" her right after work the day I saw her photo and fell in love with her on the spot. I brought her home with me that night.

It took some time to domesticate my new little girl and it took her a few days to trust me, but after about a week, she was glued to my side. She's come a long way and her personality has really shined though. I can't imagine having any other dog and I'm so happy I can give her the life she deserves. Libby has changed my life for the better and I know if she could talk, she would say the same!

San Diego, CA