Lions, Tigers and Dragons, OH MY!!

We found Pandora and Isis at our local animal shelter after much consideration about what kitty would be the perfect match to our 3 children home. My boyfriend saw the white and multicolored one, later named Pandora, and knew he had to have her. I always waned a gray cat and the one in the cage below Pandora, later named Isis, was perfect! We found out that they were turned over by the same owner just two days before and were supposed to be put to sleep because the owner couldn't afford the fee to adopt them out. Apparently it's cheaper to turn them over and put them down that to have them adopted out. We are so happy the people at the shelter decided to keep them rather than kill them because they have made a wonderful addition to our home. Pandora has learned to say "mama" just as if she was a human child and Isis loves to perch up high and watch everything that happens in the house. They team up to chase "dragons", geckos, along the window sills and love their laser lights. Both of the cats love us each in their own special way and know who to go to for whatever attention they want at that moment. Even though I haven't gone to the bathroom alone or taken a bath by myself since Pandora came home and we haven't eaten a meal without the weirdness of Isis sitting on "her" china cabinet watching and waiting for something to fall for her to claim it's never a dull moment with them around and we couldn't imagine our home without them. We are considering adopting another cat or kitten from the same shelter sometime in the near future and think everyone should do the same.

Charlene and Jeff
Willis, TX