Little Gracie Sunshine

One early summer day in 1999 my friends and I were riding our bicycles out in the country. We heard a kitten squalling buy couldn't find her. We stopped our bikes and got off to look. I found her in the ditch. She was barely old enough to be away from her mama. Her eyes were glued shut due to a very bad eye infection. It had been cooler in the morning so I had on a sweat shirt. We couldn't leave her there to become hawk food so I tied my sweatshirt around my waist and tucked the bottom into my shorts and placed her inside the shirt. I rode 9 miles up and down hills with her crying and trying to get out. She finally fell asleep for a little while and I could feel her purring. When I got home I took her to the vet. He wasn't sure she would make it. But she did! We named her Gracie for the Grace of God that we found her. She is sunshine in our lives.

Terri Marcum
Hamilton, OH