Little man Jenks

I walked into a local animal rescue looking for a kitten. I found an orange little guy that was at first scared of me. He was obviously malnourished and very small. They told me that he had been found in a dumpster at a Wendy’s so they had named him Dave Thomas.

He was very skittish and it took several visits for him to warm up to me. I wasn’t giving up on him so I kept going back. After about two weeks of visits, he finally allowed me to pick him up. I gently held him in my arms. I held him close to my face to rub my cheek against his little head and he ever so gently reached out his paw and held it to my cheek. No claws out, just a gentle touch. He fell asleep that day in my arms & I promptly adopted him.

His name is now Jenks after a character in a book series. He is still little, but has plenty of food and love. I call him my little man all the time.
