Little Miss Molly

Molly was found on a door step in the middle of March. She was half frozen and sick and only 10 weeks old. She was taken to the Humane Society and they put her on the news to be adopted. My friend called and I turned on the news as soon as I heard. We had been looking for a Torti for some time. As soon as I saw her I knew I had to have her. My husband went down the very next day and got her for me. She was full of ear mites and very sick, we nursed her back to health.
I had to put my older cat down months before and I just needed a kitty to help me get over loosing one of my friends.
We have another cat, Boomer. She likes her too. They Play and make me and my husband laugh. Molly is very cuddly. At night Molly hates to be cold so she sleeps with us between the covers and, puts me to sleep with her happy pur. She is one year old now and healthy. We love her as much as we love our other ones. she is a God send. Yes a little angel sent to us. What a joy.


Joanie Counts
Girard, PA