Lonely Ol' Guy

Now, keep in mind that I was not looking to take home a dog. Our son moved away and took his dog with him. My husband and I were heart-broken, but also figured that they would both be back. At the same time we thought that this was our time to start living for ourselves; our children are grown and moving on with their lives, we have no other responsibilities; this is our time! I went to an event to sponsor and help our local Shelter, but it wasn't long before I saw out of the corner of my eye this quiet Ol' Guy curled up on a blanket. When someone passed by, he would stand up and wag his friendly tail. He was waiting for someone to pay attention to him but probably because of his dull coat, kinda skinny body, and most likely his age, people would just look and pass him by without even a "good boy" or a little pet on his head, walking around him so he couldn't even make contact with them. After they passed by, he would just hang his head and curl back up on his blanket. This happened several times before my soft, sap-sucker heart gave in. I went over to him. His name is Mickey! Mickey curled up on my lap and just sat there with a big smile on his face and his tail wagging so fast that I thought he was going to take off - rear end first (LOL). He just sat there so happy. Obviously I started asking questions about him; how old is he, where did he come from, how long has he been in the shelter, is he kid and cat friendly (we have grandkids and cats), how is he in the house...all the normal questions. Well, Mickey is about 10 years old, loves everyone, loves to go in the car, is crate trained, walks like a champ on a leash and is good in the house. He was found roaming the streets one evening during the summer. With the heat we were having in Upstate New York, they don't know how he was surviving with most likely no regular source of water. He was in the shelter about 5 - 6 months. I started falling apart. How could someone just let this happen, letting an animal roam the streets of town? Well, you know what happened. I put in my application for Mickey. I was the first and only applicant he ever had. When I went to pick Mickey up a few days later, (they don't have instant adoption), I was informed that his $250 adoption is paid. For Mickey's entire stay at the shelter, some kind sole from another state paid for his care and adoption fee. I am so grateful for this person. I still gave the shelter a donation! Well, here it is February 2019 and Mickey has been traveling with us. He has been to the New York State Fair, went to a football game 247 miles from home...ok, he stayed at the hotel when my husband and I went to the game. His biggest travel was 1,965 miles one way. We took him to Texas, as well as many other places including local visits to family and some friends' homes. Once a month Mickey goes to Doggie Daycare - who ever thought :) This gives him a day to play with other dogs and get out of the house during the winter. The short of Mickey's life now is that he has most of the house to run in, I come home for lunch during the week to break up his day and let him out to "do his business", he has 4 days a week when someone is home because of our work schedules, and he sleeps on a hammock instead of a cold, concrete floor. Our son's dog is home for now so Mickey has company. He is a happy guy and willing to please. We know that he is old and our time with him may be short but at least he has a family who loves him and will be there for him no matter what!
