Long on Love

Katie KooKoo is a mini, long-haired, dachshund, 8lbs. soaking wet. What she lacks in weight she sure makes up for in LOVE!
She turned me into a "foster flunky" when she came into my arms because I wouldn't let any potential adopters even see her until I adopted her myself!
Being a foster/volunteer for my local Humane Society I have to keep from falling in love with each and every one of them till they find that forever home but Katy was my downfall!
I am owned by 4 rescued dachshund girls of one type or another.....1 wire-haired, 1 red-smooth-coat, 1 red smooth, chi-weenie (Chihuahua/dachshund mix), and then there's Katy!
I could write a book on her cute antics (like why I call her our "Houdini weenie"!), and the joys she brings each and every day. She's the happiest little dog on the planet with boundless energy and kisses. I could never wish for more reward in life than Katy and the love and joy she brings us all.

Susan Kilgore
Dallas, TX