Love Conquers All

Hailey came to us as a breeding female, who was tossed after her second owner decided there wasn't enough money to be made in the breeding game. Three litters in eighteen months had left her scrawny, with teats hanging down-to-there. Her coat was blown- nothing to hint of the beautiful redhead she is today!

Still, the story was all there, in her eyes. She wanted nothing more than a quiet place to rest. For me, it truly was love at first sight.

At first, she would hide every time we got in the car, burying her face in the seat. Forget getting her in a crate! With with time and lots of reinforcement, she began to follow the lead of our resident male, Sam. She learned that the car represented good things: Walks in the woods, or trips to the lake for a dip.

Today she lives for a swim and or a ride in the car. At age 10, she's served as hostess to many a rescued Golden. She touched our hearts and lives, making every moment we have with her truly golden!

Charlotte, NC