Loving Blackjack

When we first moved into our house we adopted a bonded pair of littermate kittens, whom we named Boboko and Laptop. (don't look at me, my husband named Laptop...) Boboko was my soulmate, followed me around everywhere like a tiny shadow. These kittens were only 9 weeks when they came to us, and weighed about a pound apiece. He was the sweetest fluffiest cat in creation, a miniature Maine Coon with floof EVERYWHERE, but he was never quite completely "with us". When the final marble was lost and Boboko became an uncontrollable creature who peed EVERYWHERE (except the litter box) we put up with it and tried to help it and cure it with everything we could, but in the end he deteriorated fast and at only 9 years old we had to admit defeat. Boboko was gone, and he took half my heart with him.

His sister was inconsolable when left alone, but it took me a year to even think about the possibility of another cat. When I finally did we were advised to look for a young male cat who would be "best accepted" by our aging and imperious tuxie queen. So we went to the local shelter with those criteria. They brought out a sweet three-month-old kitten but there was zero chemistry there and the lady who worked there saw it. She scooped him up to take him away but said, "wait there I think there's a cat you have to meet."

She returned with Blackjack. Imperfect, one-eyed, with a clipped ear that spoke of a rough ex-feral mean streets kittenhood, he was unloved and unwanted. But this cat was put down on the floor, took one look at me and my husband, and flopped on his back inviting us to rub his belly.

Home he came with us.

They told us he was "about two" but he behaves like a kitten even now, when he is pushing 10 (by that original estimate). He has a box of toys he "chooses" from and there are little stuffed mice and fluffy cat toy worms and kitty bouncing balls and string and what have you ALL OVER THE HOUSE all the time. If you throw a toy mouse down the stairs the cat will fling himself down after it with abandon. He's a joy, and he is a cuddler, and he is the biggest lovebug with a purr three times too large for the size of him. He has fat little feet that I purely love, and he sleeps under the covers with me at night. Clearly we were always meant to be together.

He cannot replace Boboko - nothing could. But I am glad we were gifted the absolute privilege of loving Blackjack.

Alma Alexander