Luv me, luv my tongue

I am a very nice, older Boxer boy that recently lost his only owner I ever knew since I was a wee lad. I was lucky to have landed in a rescue since sometimes us more mature dogs get passed over for those youngsters. They bark all the time and you can't trust them with your shoes or your remote controls. They even go potty inside the house. How dare any one act that way! I want to tell every buddy about the benefits of an older dog. Now, they don't have to be my age, but most of us fur kids that are more 'mature' have better manners and are easier to work with. And some of the skin seniors like fur seniors to be their pals and companions. Can you imagine being an older skin person that didn't have a constant companion? Well, that's just not right! I am waiting on that right forever home now in a foster home. They get Boxers like me into what ever foster means and then get us great forever homes. There are many dogs in rescue and shelters needing a forever home. If I wouldn't have gotten into rescue, I just don't know where I would be. I know I couldn't live on the streets and have no direction. Thanks to a rescue for giving me another shot at the happiness I deserve. And if you have read this far, why not look to adopt me or another rescue/shelter animal?
Boxer slobbersssss!!!

Jill Young
Groveport, OH