MacKenzie's Tale

On Christmas Eve 2007, in Tennessee, where we were born (our momma wasn't spayed like she should have been) my twin sister and I were dumped like trash and scheduled to die.

A nice woman called out for help (her name is Debbie) and we were taken out of the bad place and brought in a big truck way up North, to Connecticut. We were in a big, safe house with our new foster mom, Kim and all her great dogs (Tai is my favorite foster brother). We had fun, played in the pond and learned to be good girls.

One day, Kim took us to the Pet Smart and this lady was there to meet us. She brought her Goddaughter and they drove from a place called New Jersey, just to see us. She said if Kim liked her, one of us would be her puppy and she'd be our forever mom. I liked her right away. She smelled like a nice lady and she loved dogs, I could tell.

I liked her so much I took a nap on her lap, right on the Pet Smart floor. Kim told us her name was Mari and that she thought since I was more independent, I'd be a great best friend for her because I'd be an "only dog".

We drove home to my new house where I have a fenced in yard and a deck! Mom named me MacKenzie. I went to dog school and I was the valedictorian! I love my mom and she says I am the light of her life. We play catch and do all sorts of fun stuff together. My twin sis Avery got adopted the very next day by a nice family, too. We exchange emails and birthday gifts!

Mari Ippolito
Cedar Grove, NJ