Maggie Mae

In February 2007, my husband, my two-year-old mini dachshund Venice, and I drove from Cape Cod, MA to Ohio to adopt 14-year-old Maggie Mae, who had been given up by her owners when she went blind. When we first adopted her, Maggie was very shy and would shake whenever she went out in public. She soon overcame her fears, and is now a very spunky and happy Cape Cod socialite who loves the attention she gets from her admirers (and everyone she meets becomes one of her admirers!) She now loves sailing, going to the beach, and traveling to New Hampshire and Vermont. She also joins Venice, and me at work every day, along with our third dachshund Marie (also a senior rescue we adopted last October).
I bought Maggie the little string of pearls she's wearing in her photo when we first adopted her, and she gets so excited every time I put them on her that she "talks" and does a little dance because she knows it means she's going someplace fun and exciting. She also recently became a "supermodel", having been chosen to participate in the Canine Couture Fashion Show on Nantucket Island, which raised money for the local MSPCA shelter.
Maggie Mae will celebrate her "Sweet 16" birthday on April 3. She is the perfect "poster girl" for senior/special-needs adoptions!

Phoebe Mossey
South Yarmouth, MA