Marguerita: a Survivor

During Labor Day weekend of 2008, my Granddaughter Heather brought home an abandoned two week old kitten . Since we already had two adult cats, Heather was told that she would have to find the kitten, which she already named Marguerita, a home.
The kitten was so small that she fit in the palm of our hands. She was undernourished and suffering from a respiratory infection and the vet told us she probably would not survive . My daughter Eileen took on the responsibility of feeding Marguerita kitten formula via a doll bottle every 2-3 hours. Eileen became Marguerita's surrogate mother. She taught Marguerita all of the things that a mother cat would teach a kitten. Eileen even licked Marguerita's fur to teach the kitten how to clean herself.
Well, as you can see, Marguerita did survive and we never looked for another home for her. She is part of our family and we would never give her away.

Carol Rusignuolo
Union, NJ