Matt the WonderCat

Matt showed up in our neighborhood about 5 years ago and immediately charmed all the neighbors (we have a network of neighbors who trap/spay/feed and shelter our community cats). He is a Maine Coon mix and has the perfect personality of that breed. At the time, we had two cats and didn't want to add a third one, but we continued to feed him (along with the other community cats) and provide shelter in our garage in the winter. He decided that we were the family that he wanted to be with--for example, he jumped into my husband's lap one evening when he was sitting outside; he followed me into the house one morning as I prepared breakfast for the outside kitties; and made it his business to worm his way into our hearts! One day at work I was talking to a co-worker about him and she said she would adopt him-yay! The weekend she was supposed to pick him up she had an out-of-state house heater emergency and asked if we could keep him until she returned in a couple of days. Well, the couple of days turned into two weeks and by the time she came to get him, we had fallen completely in love with him and he had immediately settled into our house routine. However, a promise was a promise, so she picked him up on a Saturday. After he left, we sat in the house crying our eyes out and realized we had made a terrible mistake giving him up. We decided to give our emotions until Tuesday to settle down but even by that time, we knew we had to ask for him back. Fortunately, my co-worker completely understood (as I asked her between my sobs) that we wanted to keep him. Two nights later, Matt was back home with us (we explained to him that he just went away to kitty camp...) and he acted like he had never left. He has been with us for three years now--he is the best cat and we love him so much. Matt the WonderCat indeed!
