Meant to be

When we lost our stray Aussie, Baylee, I was determined to get a rescue. I was having coffee with a friend, and she asked me about the search. I said so far, hadn’t found the right one. A gal at the table next to us overheard our conversation, said she was very involved in re-homing pets, and suggested that I try a shelter a couple of hours away.

As soon as I arrived home, I got on the internet to check out the shelter: their “Pet of the Day” was pictured and I loved him; when I read his story, I knew he was meant to be mine. He was chained outside for two years, beaten (he was covered with scars on his sweet face and around his neck from the chain), had a broken tooth from being hit so hard, and was starved and close to death when he was taken from his abuser and given to a Veterinarian. She saved his life, and named him Reacher, after the Jack Reacher character in Lee Child’s novels, because he was a survivor.

We immediately filled out the application and were on our way to get him within two days. He was never afraid of us, or any people, and became the most loving, sweet, funny, character just full of joy and the love of life. I took him to the mountain almost every day so he could experience running free, which he loved with every fiber of his being. He always acted like it was his first time!

Although he suffered from grand mal seizures about once a month, they never slowed him down. He was my soul mate, my shadow, my heart. Wherever I was, so was he. We lost him suddenly one night when he collapsed from a ruptured tumor on his liver. We were absolutely devastated, as he was only 9, but what a joyous 9years we had with him. No doubt in my mind that he was meant to be ours. (Reacher is the one in the picture with the white chest)

Kaye Hunt