Meet our Lucky Louie

Meet our Lucky Louie.....Mr. Louis to his close family.

Louie was found in a junk yard with his two sisters. They were abandoned there with no food or water for a couple weeks before Blue Dog Rescue found them and took them in. They had mange all over their bodies; severely dehydrated and malnourished. After a few days of recovery, Louis' two sisters died of Parvovirus. This disease being highly contagious, Blue Dog Rescue was expecting the worse and that little Louie would not make it. Days went by and Louie grew stronger and after final examination, he was healthy and without disease.

My wife found him first and it was just a picture of a baby pup with the biggest brown eyes on the Blue Dog Rescue website. She fell in love with him. After our 4 year old lab, Razor, died from Diabetes a few months before, she showed me Louis and we had to adopt.

Our 9 year old, Blackjack, was missing his brother Razor and ask us for another baby brother, so we introduced him to Louie. They became best friends right off. Louie followed Blackjack everywhere and would nip at him and bite his ears. Blackjack is so patient with him, correcting him occasionally. Blackjack is always keeping an eye on him as a big brother should.

Today, Lucky Louie is a beautiful, healthy, 2 year old lab, with a loving family. Thank you Blue Dog Rescue for saving him.

Ana and Tom
Round Rock, TX