Mici and Lillo

I adopted Mici and Lillo when they were two months old. A rescue couple found a litter of kittens in a construction site. The mother had been killed by demolition and the kittens were only 2 days old. Mici and Lillo were the last two kittens waiting to be adopted. They have filled my life with so much love and laughter. Mici ([prounounced Mee-Chee,) was the runt of the litter and had health problems, which we battled together. He passed away last December at almost seven years old. Lillo, Mici's brother, continues to thrive and to give unconditional love and so much laughter. We miss our Mici ever single day. I will never Ever regret my decision to adopt my two beautiful boys.

Gabriela Amari
Brooklyn, NY