Midge the foxhound

My daughter and I went to the rescue when our black labby Zoei passed away at 17 and left our rescue Sammie labby lonely. I went back to see Midge and she had to be coaxed out of her kennel. She was just pitiful shaking, shying at every loud noise. She needed a home.

We went back with Sammie and they got along well, so Midge came home with us. We worked on her problems but then just realized they were what made Midge, Midge. Sadly Midge went to Rainbow Bridge when we were at the beach. There were no emergency vets close to us. I laid on the floor with her for 11.5 hours. We got her to the car in the morning but she passed away on the way to the vet.

It is quiet in our house now , Midge’s corner is empty and her bed is in the attic. We will open our hearts again, but it will take some time.
