Milton the Green Easter Cat

Once upon an Easter, a very long time ago, I noticed that I had quite a bit of green Easter egg dye left over after I had finished coloring warm hard boiled eggs in the prettiest of designs and shades. As I was wondering what to do with the left over dye, Milton, our big white cat, hopped onto my lap. I smiled at him and put my hand in the green dye and began to stroke Milton's back. He purred. I continued to dip my hand into the dye and to stroke him. He continued to purr. He purred and I stroked until he was all green. "Far out!" I thought to myself. We're the only family in the whole world to have such a groovy looking GREEN cat. As I was admiring my handiwork, the doorbell rang. When I answered the door, my art work ran out past the building manager. (Pets were not allowed.) The manager eyes grew wide as he saw the cat run out. He shook his head and grinned. He mumbled to himself, "No one would believe they have a GREEN cat".