Mischka the princess

My husband and I try to adopt those that are unwanted. Our first cat Mason was adopted from the local shelter. Scoobi, our second cat, came from a friend, and Whisper came from a referral. However, Mishcka is totally different. She came from Facebook.

At the time, we had lost Scoobi to the rainbow bridge. She had lived a happy life surrounded by love and a playmate in Whisper. When Scoobi passed, Whisper needed someone to keep her company... Enter Mischka.

My husband had been playing on Facebook one day, when he found this most adorable kitten with a "micky mouse head" on her one side. One look and he was in love...with me not far behind.

I made arrangements to have her brought to my place. The couple that had her said that their daughter had found her, and even though they couldn't keep her, they hoped someone would take her in. When I met her, she was so tiny, just fitting in the palm of a hand. We had it figured she was the runt of the liter and more than likely was tossed out.

With lots of love, wet/dry food, and a patient me, she grew to be a playful, loyal cat. She lays next to me, purrs when I barely pet her, and above all is an ESA (emotional support animal). She has helped to notify my husband when I'm having an issue with my blood sugar or even my depressive moods. Though she and Whisper do not get along well, they have their moments.

I'll always be grateful kitty.
