Missing you...

After almost 21 years of love and silliness, our beautiful Cassie passed over the Rainbow Bridge. Who would've imagined when she was adopted from a shelter in 1988 that she would give so much joy and exasperation, laughter and tears, happiness and heartache?! When she was young, Cassie kept us entertained by fetching paper balls and sitting up to beg. She always believed she was the queen of any house she was in, even if just visiting for a day or two. When my sister and Cassie moved in with me, Cassie immediately took over -- much to our delight! She had the strongest purr and the loudest meow of any cat I've ever known, with an extensive repertoire of "words" in her vocabulary. As Cassie got older, she allowed us to dress her in silly jackets and sweaters, even a devil costume at Halloween. I miss her furry little self on my lap while watching TV or on my bed at night. Dear Cassie, I hope you are young and silly again in your new life. Sal and I are missing you...

Patricia Lilley
Reno, NV