Missy Moo

Missy was run over in front of our house in September 2008 when she was only 5 months old. The person who ran her over didn't even bother to stop and left her to die. My partner and I heard her yelping in pain from the back of our house and ran to help. Many of our neighbours were looking on but none of them willing to help this poor little puppy and take responsibility. My partner and I didn't think and rushed her to the nearest vet for treatment. She was in such bad condition that the vet couldn't say whether she would live or die, but started treatment immediately. We checked on her hourly throughout the day but her prognosis looked grim as the vet said she probably had allot of internal bleeding and she was unable to breathe on her own. She was not micro-chipped therefore we didn't know who owned her. At the end of the day she required overnight care as she was still on oxygen and needed to be transferred to another facility for care but her owners needed to be found as they wouldn't treat her without someone being responsible for the costs. My partner and I started door knocking up and down our street and found the owner... a single mum with 6 kids who couldn't afford the vet bill. My partner and I left the house with the feeling that they were going to euthanise her and we couldn't let that happen so we called the vet and assumed all responsibility for her. She made it through the night but just barely as she was bleeding from every organ, then she had to fight to survive, which she did and celebrated her 1st birthday last month. She's now our little princess!

Sydney, Australia