
Dottie (aka Monster) is our rescue dog. A coworker of my mother's had rescued a dog that had been hit by a car after having puppies. Her vet said that the puppies couldn't have been more than two weeks old when she was separated from them. My mom's coworker fostered Hynie (Dottie's old name) and found what she thought was a good home for her. Six months later she came home to find Hynie tied to her mailbox with no water, food, or shade on a hundred-plus degree day. The dog had been starved, beaten, and abused. Since the coworked couldn't care for her long-term, she set out to find another home. Since my family had another dog (Bingo) we were her first choice. My parents took Bingo to meet Hynie and they got along great! They brought Dottie home and she continues to annoy and love us to this day. Dottie is Springer Spaniel & Dalmation and still has some issues with her past abuse. I look at her and wonder how anyone could be mean to this dog, she is the sweetest, most loving dog I have ever seen. She doesn't really get along with other dogs but people are her favorites. She is affectionately know as 'Monster' because she gets into the garbage (leftover habit from being starved), barks constantly and at everything, and licks herself until she is raw (if we aren't around). But she is in her forever home and we will take her as she is.

American Canyon, CA