Mr. Bigglesworth's rescue story

I had a grey kitten that died due to complications from a spaying surgery, at 10 months old. I was devastated and went in search of another grey kitten. There was a cat only boarding facility near me, that advertised free kittens to a good home, so I went to ask if they happened to have a grey one. Sure enough, they did, but he wasn't weaned yet. They did have Mr. Bigglesworth who was being brought back by the foster mom, because she couldn't keep him anymore. He was found in the street, near the facility, near death (apparently hit by a car). The owner of the facility took him to a vet and they saved his life. They said his ear was amputated, due to severe ear mite/infections. He was all shaved because of excessive matting and he really looked mangy. They told me he needed a home, but I didn't really want him, especially because he was a long haired cat and I'm allergic to cats (I can tolerate short haired cats better). However, when they put him back in the cage and told me that's where he'd stay, and I saw his beautiful eyes pleading with me, I couldn't resist. So I said I'd foster him only until my kitten was ready. Well, sure enough, Mr. B. decided he wanted my house to be his furever home, so he charmed me into keeping him! I did get the grey kitten, and his brother, but after a year of dealing with 3 boys fighting for alpha male position (and other issues), I had to find new homes for the boys. Now Mr. B. is the king of his castle, who gets my undivided attention; just the way he likes it! He is, of course, spoiled rotten!

Lia Binetti
Summerfield, FL