Mr. Nibs

This gorgeous cat almost didn't survive! A friend of mine heard kittens crying and crawled under his porch. He sadly found two dead kittens and a tiny black one. He took the kitten and showed his mother. She was shocked because his frail body was crawling with fleas. The vet didn't seem too hopeful that the dehydrated, flea-ridden kitten would make it but he gave it his best shot. When the kitten recovered, my friend's mother gave him to me (she is allergic to cats). Seven years have passed and Mr. Nibs is a muscular, thirteen pound cat. He is very affectionate and loves to play with my pet rabbits. Mr. Nibs will turn anything into a toy (a plastic cap, the curtains and much to my chagrin, toilet paper). He has brought a lot of happiness to my life and everyone he comes in contact with. He has even stolen the hearts of many self-professed "dog lovers."

Farrah Zori
Lowell, MA