Ms. Kitty and her babies- Timber, Cinder and Pounce

Two Summers ago I started seeing this gray and white cat eating the leftover food I throw out to the racoons in the woods behind my house. None of the neighbors knew who it belonged to and I couldn't get close enough to it without it taking off. I thought it was a male so I called it Mr. Kitty. I continued to feed Mr. Kitty all Winter slowly earning his trust enough for him to eat within a foot of me. Last Spring he showed up on my doorstep with 3 babies and that's when I realized Mr. Kitty was actually Ms. Kitty. The neighbor helped me with trapping her and the babies. She was too feral to be adopted so we had her fixed and re-released and I still care for her outside. I took her babies in to find them homes but no one wanted kittens who were skiddish so they joined my already large feline family. Now I have 7 indoor cats and Ms. Kitty outside. She brings me lovely dead birds, squirrels and mice I think for her babies. She watches them through the window and knows they're safe. She has her own cat house outside and everyone seems to be happy. I think they all know they're home. It's a challenge caring for them all but they they make me laugh and give so much love.

Canton, MI