My Angel Bonita

Two months before my wedding, my cat of 16 years passed away. I was heart broken. A few months later, I decided my house was too empty without a cat so I went to a shelter in hopes to get a kitten. I went in and saw the most beautiful little grey cat who was preening herself. I pet her through the cage and then moved on to find kittens. I found some but they weren't ready to leave their mom yet. We left and as I walked out the door I realized that the little grey cat I saw in the cage would be destroyed. As I sobbed my heart out on the front steps of the animal shelter, my husband went inside and started filling out the adoption papers for Bonita. I've had her for 13 years now and she is my angel. I don't know what I would do without my baby cat. I will never regret saving her life as she has saved mine so many times.

Moira Penwill
West Vancouver, Canada