My Baby Cats

This precious little baby tabby cat is Annie. She is one of four kitties I lost in a house fire in 2008. Annie, along with a Himilayan-Siamese mix named Maxie, a Calico named Missy, and a solid white, baby-blue eyed, short hair named Snow White, were my babies. Maxie came along first. She was 7 years old. Missy was next at 6 years old. Then came Annie at 2 years old. Snow White was 1. I had all of them since they were about 5 weeks old. They were all in need of a home. Our family has been through alot in the past few years, and I could always count on my babies for love and support. I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I was with my kitties most of the time. When I was sick or not feeling well or just having a tough day, they knew, because they would all jump in my lap and look into my eyes and I could almost hear them say "everything is going to be ok". It has been a year since I lost them, and I still miss them every day--terribly!! But at the same time I am so very thankful my family wasn't hurt!! I know I can never replace my baby cats, but I know there are other kitties out there somewhere that needs me as much as I need them. When we can finally rebuild our home, I plan to look for them. I know that by adopting more kitties, I will not only be rescuing them, they will be rescuing me also.

Susan Spann
Winfield, AL