My baby girl

I rescued this dog from the pound when she was a year old. She had been brought in because her owners said "she runs away" turns out she was pregnant and had 9 puppies while she was at the pound. When we got her she was only 45 pounds! In the picture of her she wieghed about 80 and as you can tell is NOT over weight! It took me about two years to break her of some bad habbits that she had to have picked up from being abused. For example my brother would play with air soft guns with his friends and if she saw one she would run away with her tail between her legs and hide. The first time she did this I was so upset that she knew what a gun was! Then to make things worse she was affrad of black men. Any time a black man would come around she would be shaking in fear. After many times of these guys comming over though and spending time on the floor with thier hands out and holding a treat for her she slpwly learned that they where not all bad. No animal should ever feel this way and not trust humans the way that she did not at first but I am very glad to say that she now loves pretty much all people and is a great member of my family

baltic, CT